

Short Stories

“Crossroads” (forthcoming) 

From the Farther Trees

“The Thirteenth Key” – co-written with Brittany Warman

Enchanted Living Magazine 

“Circles and Salt”

Grimm, Grit, and Gasoline: Dieselpunk and Decopunk Fairy Tales


F is For Fairy

“Fair as Glass”

E is for Evil

“The Unquiet Grave: R is for Remember”

D is for Dinosaur

“Cordelia, or the Price of Salt”

Faerie Magazine

“Ashes and Pomegranates: I is for Ignite”

C is for Chimera

“D is for Diamonds”

B is for Broken

“H is for Hieroglyph”

A is for Apocalypse

“Cesario, or What He Will”

Rose Red Review


Scareship Magazine

“Owain’s Wife”

Eternal Haunted Summer


Flash Fiction


Cabinet des Fees: Scheherazade’s Bequest

“Sovereignty: A Prologue”

Cabinet des Fees: Scheherezade’s Bequest

“Snow, Blood, Silver”

Mirror Dance

“Breakfast with the Charmings”

Mirror Dance

“Bone Song”

Cabinet des Fees: Scheherezade’s Bequest

“Salt and Honey”

Moon Drenched Fables

“The Tower and the Door”

Mirror Dance